Successful system interconnection testing according to the OJP4Danube specification

As part of the project to implement the National Access Point for the exchange of data on multimodal travel and to establish a route guide in the Republic of Croatia (Hrvatske ceste Ltd), system interconnection testing was successfully carried out according to the OJP4Danube specification. The specification was developed to connect transnational, multimodal travel information and route planning for environmentally friendly mobility in the Danube area and is harmonized with the corresponding specifications at the European level.

As a partner in the project, the Faculty of Transport Sciences of the University of Zagreb (Intelligent Transport Systems Department – ZITS) is in the final phase of implementing the project OJP4Danube – Coordination mechanisms for a multimodal cross-border traveler information network based on OJP for Danube Region. The project’s goal is to develop a multimodal cross-border passenger information network that connects local and regional public transport networks with the main traffic corridors, which will be enriched with bicycle routes and bicycle travel information necessary for multimodal trips. Within this project, an advanced technical specification is being developed for connecting transnational, multimodal travel information and route planning for environmentally friendly mobility in the Danube area.

In the meantime, Hrvatske ceste d.o.o. initiated the project of establishing a National Access Point for the exchange of data on multimodal travel and establishing a route guide in the Republic of Croatia. The Faculty of Transport Sciences made a significant contribution to the preparation of this project, especially in terms of its harmonization with the objectives of the OJP4Danube project. The operational implementation was entrusted to the companies Ericsson Nikola Tesla and Realis – information technology d.o.o. (Slovenia).

As part of the project implementation of the National Access Point for the exchange of data on multimodal travel and establishing a route guide in the Republic of Croatia, connectivity testing of the newly implemented system (Phase 1) was performed according to the OJP4Danube specification. The connectivity testing of the two systems was successfully realized, confirming the technical prerequisites for implementing the OJP4Danube service. Successful implementation of the API according to the OJP4Danube specification has been demonstrated. With this step, the responsible stakeholder in the Republic of Croatia, Croatian Roads Ltd, took the first step towards full integration. The activities include collecting various multimodal data, preparing exchange points for public transport, data for bicycle transport and harmonizing this data with other partners.